"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." --Eleanor Roosevelt

Monday, October 3, 2011

My Love for Children

My name is Shannon Burns and I am a 19 year old sophomore at Edinboro University studying Early Childhood Education.  I am very passionate about children and love working with them.  My experiences with children are coaching swimming, working at a daycare and mentoring elementary school kids.  I was very inspired by my elementary school teachers and my mom to become a teacher.  I want to make a difference in children's lives and have them enjoy learning and coming to school.  I would ultimately like to become a kindergarten teacher at a school in Pittsburgh.  I feel that blogging will help me to become a better teacher and allow me to incoporate technology in my classroom.  I would  like to teach my future students about blogging and have them and myself use it in my classroom.  I hope to blog about my "journey" through college and my teaching career.  I hope you tag along in my "journey" and follow my blog...I promise it will be worth it!


  1. One. Like your dress! Two. Your blog is very colorful! Good Job :)

  2. Cute blog- hopefully this doesn't take over FB! ;)

  3. Your blog is very colorful and creative!

  4. Very colorful and creative. I would think about changing the body copy's font type to an easier to read font like your "About me" section has - Your blogs selling point is readability and being able to read your blog posts with little strain is going to entice viewers to read :)
