Ultimately when I graduate college I would like to be a kindergarten teacher in an inner-city school in Pittsburgh. Teaching in an inner-city school, I feel would be a very rewarding experience. Most inner-city students are low-income children who need a positive, influential role model who can provide them with the knowledge, support and skills to be successful during their school years. I feel with the knowledge and skills that I am learning during my time at college I can really make a difference in these children's lives. These children do not get the technology experience most children in higher class school districts receive and I believe I could change that. I also believe that I can convince the administrators to bring technology into the classrooms and show them how helpful it would be to the students. Most low-income students do not have technology at home, so by giving them the opportunity to work with technology and teach them the proper ways to do use it they can become as educated as the higher class school students when it comes to technology (http://www.ehow.com/about_5384898_pros-cons-technology-classroom.html).
This is a floor plan of what I would like my ideal classroom to be. I want my classroom to be set up like a traditional classroom with a couple differences.
First all students will be separated into groups according to their intelligence levels. I would like their to be different levels at each table so that they can help each other and learn from one and another. I picked round tables so it is easy for them to move around and sit next to each other if they are working together. Each kid will have a laptop that they will be able to use at certain times. I know you may be thinking "Kindergartners should not have laptops" but that is what I thought until my class, SEDU 183, opened my eyes to a world of possibilities technology can be used for in classrooms, even kindergarten classrooms. There is so much kindergartner's can do with technology if they are taught the proper way and when to use it. I don't feel that technology should not be used in certain classrooms just because of the grade level....technology IS safe for all ages as long as they are taught right.
Next you will see at the front of the classroom my desk is small and not very complicated. This is because I don't believe teachers should be sitting at their desk the whole day. I will be up and interacting, sitting at the student's tables and playing with them to help enhance their learning and making my job worthwhile.
The next area is the round table with a bunch of chairs around it. This is where I would like the small group tables to come and collaborate on what we are discussing in class. There is even a smartboard for me to use and for them to even use to present, practice problems and use anytime they'd like even when we are not over in that area.
The area with the carpet and bean bag chairs is the video areas. I am a firm believer in children learning through movies and t.v. shows. Some movies can easily relate to the things we are talking about. There are even educational t.v. shows that I would like to use for my classroom. Sometimes everyone just needs a break from learning to chill out, re-energize and gather themselves before going back to work.
The area where there are easels is the art area. I am very passionate about art and I believe it helps children express themselves. This area will be open for students whenever they'd like. In school my best work was done after art class because I could relax and collect my thoughts for the work I needed to get done. With all the budget cuts being made I feel that art will be something they will try to cut. As a teacher I would still like to provide my students with the opportunity to have art in their lives. There are 3 display racks that I can showcase students artwork on and a cleanup area that will become very useful to my students.
The other area with the couches is the library. I would like to collect books over the years to have my own library right in the classroom for my students. The library area will be used for projects, assignments, and for student's own personal interests. I want my students to be able to enjoy reading and find interesting information as they are doing so. I want them to be able to discover and learn on their own and I feel the library will help them do so.
The last area is the "make-believe" area. Early childhood thrives off of make believe. When children of young ages play they are learning much more than you think. They learn physical, social and cognitive skills that will help them to develop. This area has stations such as a water table, sand table, dress up closet, make-believe kitchen set and much more. You can not expect children to stay engaged in academics if you do not give them time to express themselves and play on their own. So much is learned by children's own play!
My classroom is based on a traditional classroom setting with a few changes and differences. I would love to incorporate as much technology as I can into my classroom. I am all for having children use technology in the classroom and kindergarten is where we need to teach them the basics and what is the right and way to use technology. I think my classroom is setup in a way that invites children to learn, play and grow together as well as independently.
Instructional Glimpse
For my lessons I would really like them to be part lecture, part hands-on, part technology. Here is how this would go:
An example lesson would be one on telling time. Telling time is an important skill kindergartners need to master but sometimes it is harder for some of the students. This is why three different approaches to teaching it will help different types of learners master this skills.
Students will gather around the smartboard to watch an interesting PowerPoint that I have planned to see the different types of clocks, the way time is displayed, how to read clocks and comparing and contrasting the same time shown in two different ways. I will show them step by step ways to master this skill and review with them at least once before going on to the hands-on activity. All of this lecture is based of the following standards:
PA Standards:
· 2.3.1.C: Tell time on an analog and digital clock to the nearest hour and half hour
· 2.1.1.B: Represent equivalent forms of the same number through the use of pictures and concrete objects
Hands-On Activity:
I feel that some students learn best when they actually get to do things on their own. This part of the lesson would allow students to use play clocks (as shown below) to compare times, tell time, and learn about the different types of clocks. After a while of playing around with the clocks I would have them all sit in their seats with a play clock. I would then call out a time, for example 8 o'clock, and then students would have to make the clock say the time and hold it up. This helps them to learn hands on and allow me to see if they are actually understanding the lesson.

I feel that some students learn best when they actually get to do things on their own. This part of the lesson would allow students to use play clocks (as shown below) to compare times, tell time, and learn about the different types of clocks. After a while of playing around with the clocks I would have them all sit in their seats with a play clock. I would then call out a time, for example 8 o'clock, and then students would have to make the clock say the time and hold it up. This helps them to learn hands on and allow me to see if they are actually understanding the lesson.
At this time I would allow my students to log onto their laptops. They will then complete an interactive PowerPoint that asks them questions so I can assess whether or not they are understanding the lesson or not. Once the students have finished their questions there is a link that takes them to an educational game online to review telling time. As students are completing this task I will be able to walk around and help the students who are struggling and answer questions to those who need it. This part of the lesson is based off the following standards:
NET Standards:
· Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessment incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETS•S. Teachers
This lesson takes parts of the "traditional" classroom and incorporates the "hands-on" and technology approach to learning to combine into one. I feel this enhances children's learning and provides different ways to learn for different types of learners.
I'd love to know your thoughts and opinions on my future classroom. If you could take a few minutes to fill out the form below it would be greatly appreciated!
Annotated Bibliography
- http://www.floorplanner.com/ - floorplanner.com was the best website I found to make a drawing of your classroom. I liked it the best because it gave you a lot of options in each category especially the "school" category. It allows you to look at your floor plan in both 2-d and 3-d. Using floorplanner.com made me really excited about having my own classroom and allowed me to set up my classroom just the way I had envisioned.
- http://www.prezi.com/ - This was the first time I have used prezi. I had a lot of ups and downs using it but it came out better than I expected. It is a little confusing once you first start using it but if you use the tutorial it really helps. I feel prezi is a great way to present your information and have it be fun and exciting.
- google images - google images allows you to browse through all types of pictures that you may need. It is easy to use and easy to access. It helped me to find all of my images I used in this blog
- http://www.ehow.com/about_5384898_pros-cons-technology-classroom.html - this website gave me a lot of pros and cons to technology in the classroom. It breaks the pros and cons of technology in the classroom into things such as special needs, costs, training. It's a great way to see both sides of the subject
- http://theconnectedclassroom.wikispaces.com/Classroom - this website allowed me to read what 21st century classrooms are about. It allowed me to have examples of what each classroom would look like in each grade level.